GenoScreen est sponsor du Symposium de génétique et génomique organisé par l’Equipex LIGAN-PM. Intitulé « The Magnificent Last Decade In Genetics & Genomics ».

Ce symposium se déroulera le 13 mars 2020 à la Faculté de Médecine de l’Université de Lille.

L'inscription est gratuite mais obligatoire. Attention, le nombre de places est limité !

Programme de l’événement :

09:30 – 10:10 amStanislas LYONNET Institut Imagine - UMR-1163 INSERM - Université Paris Descartes
Neural Crest Anomalies in Human: High-Throughput Genotyping Demands High Throughput Phenotyping
10:10 – 10:50 amErica DAVIS ACT-GeM - Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago
Multidisciplinary studies to model the pediatric morbid human genome
10:50 – 11:10 amCoffee Break
Atrium & Sponsors stands
11:10 – 11:50 amJason TORRES The Wellcome Center for Human Genetics, University of Oxford
Integrating epigenetics, gene expression, and chromatin interactions to resolve effector transcripts at fine-mapped loci associated with type 2 diabetes
11:50 – 12:30 pmNicole SORANZO Wellcome Sanger Institute – Cambridge
Genetic and multiomic scans in population-based cohorts to study complex diseases
12:30 – 12:50 pmStéphane FÉNART PERKIN ELMER
Nextflex NGS solutions from PerkinElmer
12:50 – 13:00 pmPhilippe JOANIN TAKARA
ICELL8® cx: Beyond Gene Expression – New Applications for Single-Cell Analysis
13:00 – 14:00 pmLUNCH
02:00 – 02:10 pmHelene BAUBYQIAGEN
Innovations for your NGS applications
02:10 – 02:30 pmMarion DESJAMES ROCHE
Roche’s new target enrichment portfolio: Better by design
02:30 – 03:10 pmInga PROKOPENKO Imperial College London
A view on disease clusters from multi-omic perspective - are we there yet?
03:10 – 03:50 pmDominique STOPPA-LYONNETUniversité de Paris, Institut Curie
Lessons from the past for the future of cancer genetics
03:50 – 04:10 pm Coffee Break
Atrium & Sponsors stands
04:10 – 04:50 pmOlivier DELANEAUUniversity of Lausanne
Chromatin 3D interactions mediate genetic effect on gene expression
04:50 – 05:00 pmConclusions

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