GenoScreen will present the conclusions of the BioDISSPOL project on November 28 at Pollutec Lyon during the panel discussion: "Microbial Biomarkers : Application to the diagnosis and management of polluted sites".
The BioDISSPOL project (2015-2018), co-financed by ADEME, aims to demonstrate the interest and operational nature of new biological tools such as molecular biomarkers and isotopic analysis in order to improve the diagnosis, monitoring and monitoring of sites contaminated with chlorinated solvents.
The BioDISSPOL project is part of GESIPOL's Axis 1: "Improving and consolidating site diagnosis methods and the characterisation of pollution sources "1 and is intended to complement the data traditionally obtained on the degree of pollution of a site by physical and chemical monitoring.
The interpretation and linking of the molecular and isotopic data obtained will aim to provide precise data on the biodegradation capacities of pollutants2, complementary to conventional physico-chemical data.
The objective at the end-of-project is to reinforce the diagnosis of sites polluted by chlorinated solvents in order to estimate a potential for pollution reduction and provide new monitoring and management tools to site managers and design offices.
The conclusions of the BioDISSPOL project will be shared at the panel discussion "Microbial Biomarkers: Application to the diagnosis and management of polluted sites" at Pollutec Lyon, on 28 November next from 2pm to 5pm in the Mezzanine, room 04.
For more details : Pollutec Lyon
1 For more information: refer to page 21 of the document "Synthesis of projects financed by ADEME".
2 The pollutants targeted in BioDISSPOL are chlorinated solvents, highly toxic and volatile synthetic compounds, considered to be the most common pollutants in groundwater.