Publications with GenoScreen researchers in the authors
80 publications from 2008 to 2024

Guyeux, C., Senelle, G., Le Meur, A., Supply, P., Gaudin, C., Phelan, J. E. Refrégier, G. (2024). Newly Identified Mycobacterium africanum Lineage 10, Central Africa. Emerging Infectious Diseases, 30(3), 560-563.

Yenew B., Ghodousi A., Gaudin C., Supply P. et al., A smooth tubercle bacillus from Ethiopia phylogenetically close to the Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex, Nat. Commun., Nov. 2023, 14(1):7519. doi: 10.1038/s41467-023-42755-9.
Jouet A, Gaudin C, Badalato N, Lenoir E, Ferré A, Clément M, Laurent Y, Supply P. et al. Hi-plex deep amplicon sequencing for identification, high-resolution genotyping and multidrug resistance prediction of Mycobacterium leprae directly from patient biopsies by using Deeplex Myc-Lep. EBioMedicine. 2023 Jul;93:104649. doi: 10.1016/j.ebiom.2023.104649.
Vallier M., Segurens B., Larsonneur E., Meyer V., Ferreira S., Christophe Caloustian C., Jean-François Deleuze JF., Dougados M., Chamaillard M., Characterisation of gut microbiota composition in patients with axial spondyloarthritis and its modulation by TNF inhibitor treatment. RMD Open. March 2023, 9:e002794. doi: 10.1136/rmdopen-2022-002794.

Merker M, Rasigade JP, Barbier M, Cox H, Feuerriegel S, A. Kohl T, Shitikov E, Klaos K, Gaudin C, Antoine R, Diel R, Borrell S, Gagneux S, Nikolayevskyy V, Andres S, Crudu V, Supply P, Niemann S, Wirth T. Transcontinental spread and evolution of Mycobacterium tuberculosis W148 European/Russian clade toward extensively drug resistant tuberculosis. Nature Communications. 2021-2022 Oct-Aug.
Marijke Braet S, Jouet A, Aubry A, Van Dyck-Lippens M, Lenoir E, Assoumani Y, Baco A, Mzembaba A, Cambau E, Ezidio Gonçalves Vasconcellos S, Rigouts L, Suffys PN, Hasker E, Supply P, de Jong BC. Investigating drug resistance of Mycobacterium leprae in the Comoros: an observational deep-sequencing study. Lancet. 2022 July.
Camille d'Humières C , Nadia Gaïa N., Stéphanie Ferreira et al. Contribution of Clinical Metagenomics to the Diagnosis of Bone and Joint Infections, Front. Microbiol. 2022 Apr 21; 13:863777.

Sokol H, Contreras V, Maisonnasse P, Desmons A, Delache B, Sencio V, Machelart A, Brisebarre A, Humbert L, Deryuter L, Gauliard E, Heumel S, Rainteau D, Dereuddre-Bosquet N, Menu E, Ho Tsong Fang R, Lamaziere A, Brot L, Wahl C, Oeuvray C, Rolhion N, Van Der Werf S, Ferreira S, Le Grand R, Trottein F. SARS-CoV-2 infection in nonhuman primates alters the composition and functional activity of the gut microbiota. Gut Microbes. 2021 Jan-Dec, 13(1):1-19.
Hilaire P, Landemaine L, Contreras S, Blanquart-Goudezeune H, Siguier P, Cornet F, Chiapello H, Loux V, Clavaud C, Morand SC. Complete Genome Sequence of Staphylococcus epidermidis PH1-28, Isolated from the Forehead of a Hyperseborrheic Donor. Microbiol Resour Announc. 2021 March, 10(9):e00165-21.
Allen AC, Malaga W, Gaudin C, Volle A, Moreau F, Hassan A, Astarie-Dequeker C, Peixoto A, Antoine R, Pawlik A, Frigui W, Berrone C, Brosch R, Supply P, Guilhot C. Parallel in vivo experimental evolution reveals that increased stress resistance was key for the emergence of persistent tuberculosis bacilli. Nat Microbiol. 2021 Aug, 6(8):1082-1093.
Hilaire P, Contreras S, Blanquart-Goudezeune H, Verbeke J, Delépine B, Marmiesse L, Peyraud R, Morand SC. Complete Genome Sequence of Sphingobium xenophagum PH3-15, Isolated from La Roche-Posay Thermal Water Sources. Microbiol Resour Announc. 2021 Aug, 10(33):e0070021.
Hellal J., Joulian C., Urien C., Ferreira S., Denonfoux J., Hermon L., Vuilleumier S., Imfeld G., Chlorinated ethene biodegradation and associated bacterial taxa in multi-polluted groundwater: Insights from biomolecular markers and stable isotope analysis, Science of The Total Environment, 2021 apr; 763:142950.
Publications with GenoScreen quoted in the text
1635 publications from 2008 to 2024

Lagourgue L, Sauvage T, Zubia M, Draisma SGA, Vieira C, Engelen A, Payri CE. Taxonomic Insights into Caulerpa (Bryopsidales, Chlorophyta) Species in French Polynesia: Confirmation of 13 Species and Reinstatement of C. pickeringii Harvey & Bailey. Diversity. 2024; 16(4):243.
Pretty L., D'Agostino K., Redhead-Harper R. et al. Diagnostic Accuracy of the Abbott SD Bioline MPT64 antigen test for identification of MTB Complex in a U.S. Clinical Mycobacteriology Laboratory. Heliyon. Volume 10, ISSUE 9, e30501, May 15, 2024.
Gouesbet, G., Renault, D., Derocles, S.A.P. and Colinet, H. (2024), Strong resistance to β-cyfluthrin in a strain of the beetle Alphitobius diaperinus: a de novo transcriptome analysis. Insect Science.
Duperron S. , Halary S. , Bouly J-P. et al. Transcriptomic insights into the dominance of two phototrophs throughout the water column of a tropical hypersaline-alkaline crater lake (Dziani Dzaha, Mayotte). Frontiers in Microbiology. Volume 15, 2024.
Garcia-Lopez M, Lurier T, Bouilloud M, Pradel J, Tatard C, Sepulveda D, et al. (2024) Prevalence, genetic diversity and eco-epidemiology of pathogenic Leptospira species in small mammal communities in urban parks Lyon city, France. PLoS ONE. 19(4): e0300523.
Le Veve A., Genete M., Lepers-Blassiau C. et al. The genetic architecture of the load linked to dominant and recessive self-incompatibility alleles in Arabidopsis halleri and A. lyrata. bioRxiv. 2024 Apr.
Matoute A, Maestri S, Saout M et al. Meat-Borne-Parasite: A Nanopore-Based Meta-Barcoding Work-Flow for Parasitic Microbiodiversity Assessment in the Wild Fauna of French Guiana. Current Issues in Molecular Biology. 2024; 46(5):3810-3821.
Bahuaud O., Genestet C., Hodille E. et al. Rapid resistance detection is reliable for prompt adaptation of isoniazid resistant tuberculosis management. Heliyon. 2024 Apr; Volume 10, ISSUE 9, e29932.
Calbry J, Goudounet G, Charlot F, Guyon-Debast A, Perroud PF, Nogué F. The SpRY Cas9 variant release the PAM sequence constraint for genome editing in the model plant Physcomitrium patens. Transgenic Res. 2024 Apr;33(1-2):67-74.
Harran E., Kuntz G., Decors A. et al. Tracking potential Leptospira sources following human cases of leptospirosis: A One Health approach applied to an ecosystem in Brittany, France. One Health, Volume 18, 2024, 100726, ISSN 2352-7714.
Elton L., Aydin A., Stoker N. et al. A pragmatic pipeline for drug resistance identification in Mycobacterium tuberculosis using whole genome sequencing. MedRxiv, 2024.04.15.24305720.
Azariel Ruiz-Valencia, Louis Cornette de Saint Cyr, et al. A native CO2-reducing bacterium: Discovery, implementation and interests, Journal of CO2 Utilization, Volume 81, 2024, 102723, ISSN 2212-9820.
Miotto P, Cirillo DM, Schön T, Köser CU. The exceptions that prove the rule-a historical view of bedaquiline susceptibility. Genome Med. 2024, Mar 13;16(1):39.
Tram TTB, Trieu LPT, Nhat LTH, Thu DDA, Quang NL, Bang ND, Chau TTH, Thwaites GE, Walker TM, Ha VTN, Thuong NTT. 2024. Targeted sequencing from cerebrospinal fluid for rapid identification of drug-resistant tuberculous meningitis. J Clin Microbiol, 62:e01287-23.
Cloutier Charrette W., Rabodoarivelo M.-S., Point F., M. Knoblauch A. et al. Concordance of targeted and whole genome sequencing for Mycobacterium tuberculosis genotypic drug susceptibility testing, Diagnostic Microbiology and Infectious Disease, Volume 109, Issue 2, 2024, 116249, ISSN 0732-8893.
Heumel S. et al. Shotgun metagenomics and systemic targeted metabolomics highlight indole-3-propionic acid as a protective gut microbial metabolite against influenza infection. Gut microbes. Vol. 16,1 (2024): 2325067.
Blondeaux A, Valibouze C, Speca S, Rousseaux C, Dubuquoy C, Blanquart H, Zerbib P, Desreumaux P, Foligné B, Titécat M. Changes in HLA-B27 Transgenic Rat Fecal Microbiota Following Tofacitinib Treatment and Ileocecal Resection Surgery: Implications for Crohn's Disease Management. Int J Mol Sci. 2024 Feb 10;25(4):2164.
Certad G, Gantois N, Merlin S, Martel S, Even G, Viscogliosi E, Audebert C, Chabé M. Frequency and Molecular Identification of Cryptosporidium in Adult Prim’Holstein Dairy Cattle Farms in the North of France. Microorganisms. 2024; 12(2):335.