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A unique experience in DNA analysis

Since its foundation in 2001, GenoScreen has a solid international experience in scientific DNA sequencing services for all kinds of genomes : humans, animals, plants and microorganisms.

Our scientific staff gathered high-level skills in all aspects of genome and transcriptome analysis.
This experience provides our customers with highly valuable expertise when choosing the best technical approaches and designing analytical protocols.

Discover our sequencing services.

Personalized project support

A specialist team monitors each project: definition of the study protocol, choice of the technology, sample preparation, bioinformatics analysis, etc. Take advantage of our unique team’s experience in choosing the best analytical strategy for your project!

For each case, GenoScreen provides a personalized solution based on a comprehensive portfolio of technologies and methodologies.

Discover our custom services.

Cutting-edge bioinformatics technologies

GenoScreen has developed a number of exclusive bioinformatics tools and algorithms to transform genomic data into interpretable and exploitable information.

These tools are flexible and can be adapted to each scientific case, being able to provide our customers with personalized solutions.

Discover our bioinformatics services.

High-quality, secure, easily interpreted data

Comprehensive, precise and contextualized, the data generated by our analysis programs constitute a true asset for your research by accelerating your analyses and ensuring reliable interpretation.

GenoScreen has developed several advanced, exclusive bioinformatics solutions:

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An ambitious R&D program

Ever since its foundation, GenoScreen has implemented high-level R&D programs in order to continuously improve the quality, performance level and delay time of its genomic analysis services.

GenoScreen also develops its own methodological approaches and solutions linked to innovative, high-performance analytical tools.
Between the most valuable discoveries achieved until now, we can find: microbiome analysis, microbial strain typing, and the detection of antibiotic resistance in tuberculosis.
The results of these researches have been materialized under products like MIRU-VNTR, Metabiote®/WHORMSS® and Deeplex®.

Expertise in genomic technologies is now essential for high-quality life science research.
These technologies are still evolving very rapidly and therefore require in-depth, continuous training to ensure high-quality analyses and results. To address these challenges, GenoScreen has used its in-house skills to develop cutting-edge training courses in all fields of genomic analysis.

The GenoScreen advantage

    • Proprietary training content.
    • Customized programs and teaching methods, to match your objectives.
    • Active, participatory training courses delivered by experts, for rapid, efficient implementation in practice.
    • Individual or group training courses (up to 12 people).

GenoScreen is an accredited training organization (reference: 31 59 06657 59 DRTEFP, Lille, France). All our training courses are eligible for inclusion in France’s professional training schemes.

GenoScreen’s service offering

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Duration of training courses

NGS Data Quality Control - Ref : GFBQCN 1/2 day
De novo assembly - Ref: GFBASN 1/2 day
BLAST Mastery - Ref: GFBMBBB 1/2 day
Search for genetic variants - Ref: GFBMUT 1 day


Training courses dates

NGS Data Quality Control - Ref : GFBQCN from May 21st to 23rd & october, 2025
De novo assembly - Ref: GFBASN from May 21st to 23rd& october, 2025 
BLAST Mastery - Ref: GFBMBBB from May 21st to 23rd & october, 2025 
Search for genetic variants - Ref: GFBMUT from May 21st to 23rd & october, 2025 

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To address the most specific research objectives, GenoScreen develops custom analytical protocols from its broad panel of genomic technologies.
These highly detailed, precised, targeted interventions provide answers to the most complex research matters.

GenoScreen - Services provided

An expert takes in charge your request and supports you to build the whole project.

Each service can be adapted to match your project’s scientific objectives and constraints:

  • Oligonucleotide design.
  • DNA or RNA extraction.
  • PCR optimization, library preparation.
  • Sequencing.
  • Genomic analysis.

GenoScreen's assets

  • More than 15 years of expert experience.
  • A comprehensive panel of genomic analysis solutions.
  • Comprehensive facilities for high- and low-throughput techniques (ABI3730XL, MiSeq, HiSeq2500, ABI7900, etc.).
  • Personalized support.
  • Highly flexible services provided.

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Gene expression analysis provides powerful and precised tools for a better understanding of biological phenomena. It is notably used to investigate molecular mechanisms of action, pathophysiological phenomena...


Our services address a wide range of research objectives:

  • Quantification of gene expression and gene transcript levels.
  • Analysis of molecular mechanisms of action.
  • Biochip quality control and validation.

GenoScreen - Services provided

GenoScreen supports your R&D groups to analyze gene expression in detail, whatever your research objective is.

Our teams use real-time quantitative PCR techniques to analyze gene expression:

  • The absolute quantification which allows to measure of gene expression in uncharacterized samples by comparison with a standard range (i.e. a calibration curve).
  • The relative quantification which allows to compare gene expression levels in two different samples.

Our gene expression analysis services are based either on a pre-formatted or a custom TaqMan® design running on an ABI 7900HT system and starting from DNA or (after reverse transcription into cDNA) RNA.

GenoScreen's assets

  • Comprehensive assistance from extraction to final quantification
  • Significant specialization in gene expression in microbes and bacteria
  • Last-generation technical facilities

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Expertise. Reliability. Precision.

Boost your research with genomics.

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