The advent of next-generation sequencing technologies has revolutionized molecular approaches aiming to describe the diversity and taxonomic composition of a microorganism-containing sample. In fact, this type of analysis used to be based on the analysis of the rRNA16S and rRNA18S/28S genes using PCR amplification, cloning and Sanger sequencing. These approaches were time-consuming, fastidious and, often, provided information only on the most prevalent microorganisms in a sample.

Today, targeted metagenomics and microbial profiling approaches performed on NGS systems are replacing older methods and are generating far more sequence data per sample than could previously be envisaged.

GenoScreen - Bacterial and fungal services provided

Our methodology is still based on the targeted analysis of ubiquitous genes (rRNA16S, rRNA18S/28S, ITS1&2), which are now directly obtained using next-generation sequencers.

In addition to a taxonomic analysis, our teams can offer more in-depth outputs (beta diversity, phylogenetic trees, etc.).

Metabiote: the benchmark in targeted metagenomics

GenoScreen has developed a standardized, optimized metagenomics technique that incorporates all our expertise. Metabiote® limits methodological bias and thus enables comparisons of microbial diversity across cohorts of samples :

  • Limited PCR biases during sample preparation
  • Guaranteed repeatability and reproducibility
  • Integrated quality controls throughout the process
  • Fully automated data analysis
  • GCLP compliant protocol

GenoScreen's assets

  • Pioneer in NGS technologies in France.
  • Ten years of experience in the field of targeted metagenomics.
  • In-depth experience of many initial matrices (stools, skin swabs, etc.).

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